About Bio Energy Massage

Bioenergetics is the collective name for all therapies that see body and mind as one. Bio-energetic therapies treat the human being by influencing the energy field that surrounds the body. Energetic massage originates from the eastern countries. The nervous system reacts to energy, so this massage has a calming effect.

This massage is meant to charge your energy and let it flow again. During the massage  you consciously focus on opening energy channels in your body and on releasing and draining blocking energy. During the massage, different emotions can arise such as heat, cold, pain or openness.

With an energetic massage, the Fohow Magic Pulse massage gloves are used to transfer energy. The massage therapist uses long strokes (a smooth, calming, rhythmic stroking movement) whereby almost no pressure is applied. 

Fohow Bio Energy Massage Device

1 Treatment Bio Energy Massage

  • Equals 10 classic massage treatments
  • Burns fat from the body as if you had run 6k
  • Removes 4g of toxins from internal organs
  • Exhibits various physiotherapeutic effects for spinal recovery
  • Ensures the balancing of the meridians (energy channels)

The effects after bio-energy massage

  • Clears the blood of toxins
  • Improves metabolism
  • Accelerate blood circulation
  • Increase the activation of new cells
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Helps strengthen bones and muscles
  • Helps restore your nervous system
  • Provides better sleep
  • Increased endocrine level provides cosmetic effect and helps to lose weight.
  • Releasing energy channels from blockages
Fohow Magic Pulse Massage Gloves

This is the device that is used during the Bio Energy massage.

It’s a high-tech device developed from traditional Chinese medicine techniques in energy channels and internal organs. Thanks to advanced technology, the device combines the effects of medical techniques such as acupuncture, gua massage, vacuum and cupping.

Targeted action on the energy pathways increases the speed and effectiveness of the treatments.

The massage is suitable for many people with various types of complaints. If you want to make sure it’s suitable for your complaint, send us an email and we’ll come back to you shortly.


– no treatment for people suffering from heart issues
– no treatment during pregnancy 
– no treatment during menstruation
– no treatment until 6 months after surgery 
– no treatment during a cold

Fohow Magic Pulse Massage Gloves